Miyakojima Reef Rent-a-Car (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) with respect to the personal information of our customers. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “the Policy”) with respect to the personal information of customers. The following privacy policy (hereafter referred to as “this policy”) is set forth below.
This policy explains what personal information we collect, how we use and share it, and how users can manage their own personal information.
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 (Application of the General Terms and Conditions)
- 1.The Lessor (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) shall deliver the rental vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “the Rental Vehicle”) to the Lessee (including the driver) in accordance with the provisions of these Rental Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms and Conditions”). The same shall apply hereinafter). The renter shall borrow the rented vehicle.
Matters not stipulated in the General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations or general custom.
- 2. MUTOH HOLDINGS reserves the right to make special provisions to the extent that such provisions do not conflict with the intent of the General Terms and Conditions, laws and regulations, administrative notices, or general customs. In the event of any special agreement, such special agreement shall prevail over the General Terms and Conditions.
Chapter 2 Reservations
Article 2 (Application for Reservations)
- 1.Upon agreeing to the General Terms and Conditions and the separately prescribed fee schedule, etc., the lessee shall make a reservation for a rental car in accordance with the method designated by the Company, specifying in advance the model class, starting date and time of rental, rental location, rental period, return location, driver, whether a child seat or other equipment is required, and other rental conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Rental Terms and Conditions”). The Company shall accept the reservation within the scope of the rental car in its possession.
- 2.The Lessee shall pay the Company’s prescribed reservation deposit, unless otherwise approved by the Company.
- 3. If the rental car rental agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “rental agreement”) is not concluded at least one hour after the reserved rental start time in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the reservation shall be deemed to be cancelled. The reservation shall be deemed to be cancelled if the rental car rental contract (hereinafter referred to as “rental contract”) has not been concluded at least one hour after the reserved start time of the rental pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
- 4.In the event that the reservation under Paragraph 1 is cancelled or the terms and conditions of the lease are changed, the Company’s approval must be obtained in advance.
Article 3 (Change of Reservation)
- 1.The lessee shall obtain the prior approval of the Company when he/she wishes to change the terms and conditions of the lease as set forth in Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.
- 2. If a change in the borrowing conditions pursuant to the preceding paragraph causes hindrance to the rental operations, the Company may refuse to accept such change.
- 3.For the second and subsequent changes of reservations, the reservation administration fee specified in a separate document shall be paid for each change.
Article 4 (Cancellation of Reservations, etc.)
- 1.The Lessee and the Company shall enter into the Rental Agreement by the time and date of commencement of the rental of the Rental Car as provided in Article 2, Paragraph 1.
- 2.The Lessee and the Company may cancel the reservation in the manner prescribed by the Company. In the event that the rental car rental agreement has not been executed by the Lessee at least one hour after the reserved rental start time, the reservation shall be deemed cancelled regardless of the circumstances.
- 3.If the reservation is cancelled for the convenience of the Lessee, the Lessee shall pay to the Company the cancellation fee prescribed by the Company as set forth in the Exhibit attached hereto, and the Company shall refund to the Lessee the reservation deposit received upon payment of such cancellation fee.
- 4.In the event that the rental agreement is not executed due to accident, theft, non-return, recall, natural disaster, or any other cause for which neither the lessee nor the Company is responsible, the Company shall refund the reservation deposit already received.
- 5.The Lessee and the Company shall not make any claim against each other for the cancellation of the reservation and the non-execution of the rental agreement, except as provided in this Article and the following Article.
Article 5 (Cancellation before maturity)
- 1.The Lessee may cancel the Rental Agreement with the Company’s consent and upon payment of the cancellation fee set forth in the Exhibit attached hereto, even during the period between the delivery of the Rental Car and its return to the Company (“in-use period”).Except as otherwise provided, the Company shall return to the lessee the balance of the rental fee and the waiver of liability compensation fee received, less the rental fee and the waiver of liability compensation fee corresponding to the period from the time of rental to the return of the vehicle.
- 2.If the rental car is returned during the rental period due to an accident or breakdown of the rental car caused by a reason attributable to the lessee, the rental agreement shall be deemed terminated.
- 3.When the rented car is returned by the lessee pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not refund the rental fee received in accordance with Section 4.
- 4.In the event of a mid-term cancellation pursuant to Article 5.1, the Lessee shall pay, in addition to the Rental Charges corresponding to the period up to the cancellation, the mid-term cancellation fee as set forth in the Exhibit attached hereto.In addition, if there are any unsettled amounts or fuel settlement charges, these shall be paid to the Company immediately.
Chapter 3 Lending
Article 6 (Conclusion of Rental Agreement)
- 1.The borrower shall specify the terms and conditions of the loan as set forth in Article 2, Paragraph 1, and the Company shall enter into the loan agreement by specifying the loan terms and conditions in these General Terms and Conditions, the Schedule of Charges, etc.However, this does not apply when there is no rental car available for rent.
- 2.Upon execution of the rental agreement, the borrower shall pay the rental fee to the Company.
- 3.In accordance with the basic notice (Note 1) of the supervisory authority, in order to enter the driver’s name, address, type of driver’s license and the number of the driver’s license (Note 2), or to attach a copy of the driver’s license of the driver, as provided in the rental book (rental slip), upon conclusion of the rental agreement, the Company may request the lessee to present the driver’s license of the driver designated by the lessee and to submit a copy thereof.In this case, the borrower shall present his/her driver’s license or a copy thereof if he/she is the driver, or present the driver’s license or a copy thereof if the borrower and the driver are different.
(Note 1) The basic notice from the regulatory authority refers to 2.10 and (11) of the “Basic Notice on Rental Cars” (Jitetsu No. 138, June 13, 1995) issued by the Director-General of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(Note 2) “Driver’s license” means a driver’s license stipulated in Article 92 of the Road Traffic Law, which is in the form of a separate Form 14.1, Article 19 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Road Traffic Law.In addition, an international driver’s license or a foreign driver’s license stipulated in Article 107-2 of the Road Traffic Law is equivalent to a driver’s license.
- 4.In concluding the rental agreement, the Company may request the borrower to present a driver’s license and any other supporting documents designated by the Company, and may take a copy of any such documents presented.
- 5.Upon entering into the rental agreement, the Company shall request the lessee to notify the Company of a cell phone number or other means of contacting the lessee during the use of the vehicle.
- 6.Upon execution of the rental agreement, the Company may require the Lessee to make payment by credit card or cash, or may specify other payment methods.
- 7.The lessee may not extend the term of the lease after signing the contract.
Article 7 (Formation of Rental Agreement, etc.)
- 1.The rental agreement shall become effective when the borrower pays the rental fee to the Company and the Company delivers the rental car to the borrower. In this case, the reservation deposit already received shall be applied as part of the rental fee.
- 2.The delivery set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made at the place of hire clearly indicated in Article 2, Paragraph 1.
Chapter 4 Rental Fees
Article 8 (Rental Fees)
- 1.The rental fee under Article 7 shall be in accordance with the fee schedule reported to the Director of the Land Transport Office of the Okinawa General Bureau at the time of rental of the rental car.In the event that the rental fee is revised after the reservation has been completed as provided in these Terms and Conditions, the rental fee shall be the price specified in the fee schedule applicable at the time of reservation.
- 2.The amount of the rental fee to be received by the Company shall be the total of the basic rental fee and incidental charges incidental to the rental. If, at the time of return of the rental car, any additional charges other than the rental fee received, such as an extension fee, accidental deductible, or compensation for vehicle suspension occur, they shall be settled upon return.
Article 9 (Measures in Connection with Revision of Rental Charges)
Notwithstanding Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, in the event that the Company revises the rental fee stipulated in the preceding Article after the reservation has been made,
Notwithstanding Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the rental fee shall be in accordance with the fee schedule at the time of reservation.
Article 10 (Substitute Rental Cars)
- 1.If the Company is unable to rent a rental car that meets the conditions reserved by the Lessee, such as vehicle class, accessories, non-smoking or smoking vehicles, transmission specifications, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Conditions”), the Company shall immediately notify the Lessee to that effect.
- 2.In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the Company is unable to rent a car of the type and class reserved by the Lessee, the Company may request the rental of a car of a different type and class from that reserved (hereinafter referred to as “Substitute Rental Car”).
- 3.If the Company accepts the application of the lessee as described in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall rent a replacement rental car under the same rental conditions as those at the time of reservation, except for the conditions not fulfilled at the time of reservation.
In such case, the Lessee shall pay the lower of the rental fee for the replacement rental car or the rental fee for the rental car in the condition for which the reservation was made.
- 4.The Lessee may reject the offer for the rental of a replacement rental car under Paragraph 1 and cancel the reservation.
- 5.In the case of Paragraph 3, if the cause of the Company’s inability to provide the leased accommodation under Paragraph 1 is due to reasons beyond the Company’s control, the reservation under Paragraph 4 shall be treated as cancelled and the reservation deposit received by the Company shall be refunded to the lessee.
Article 11 (Reservation Services on Behalf of the Company)
- 1.The Lessee may apply for a reservation at a travel agency, partner company, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Agency”) that handles reservation services on behalf of the Company.
- 2.A Lessee who has made an application under the preceding paragraph to an agent may make a request to change or cancel a reservation only to such agent (its agent), and any such change of reservation shall be subject to the approval of the Company through such agent.
Article 12 (Exemption from Liability)
Except as provided in Article 4, neither the Company nor the Lessee shall make any mutual claim with respect to the cancellation of the reservation or the non-execution of the rental agreement.
Chapter 5 Use
Article 13 (Management Responsibility)
- 1.The RENTER shall use and keep the RENTAL CAR with the due care of a good manager during its use.
- 2.The Renter shall use the Rental Car in compliance with the laws, the General Terms and Conditions, the attached Exhibit, the Operation Manual, etc. when using the Rental Car.
- 3.If the Lessee uses toll roads such as expressways, toll parking lots, or other toll services while the vehicle is in use, the Lessee shall pay the toll charges, etc. to the provider of such toll services at its own responsibility.
- 4.In the event that the Company receives a request for disclosure of the personal information of the Lessee at the time of the rental, specifying the vehicle registration number and the date and time of the rental for reasons such as non-payment of fees, the Lessee agrees that the Company may provide the Lessee’s personal information to the person making such request.
- 5.The responsibility for the management of the rental car under the preceding paragraph shall begin when the rental car is delivered and shall end when the rental car is returned to the Company.
Article 14 (Prohibited Acts)
The lessee shall not engage in any of the following activities during use.
- 1.Use of the rented car for the purpose of motor transportation business or similar purposes without our consent and permission based on the Road Transportation Law.
- 2.Driving the rental car by any person other than the lessee and the driver specified at the time of entering into the rental agreement.
- 3.Subleasing a rental car, offering a rental car as collateral, or engaging in any other activity that would infringe on the Company’s rights.
- 4.Forging or altering the vehicle registration number plate or vehicle number plate of the rental car, or altering the original state of the rental car, such as remodeling or refurbishing the rental car.
- 5.Using the rented car for any kind of test or competition, or towing or pushing another vehicle without our approval.
- 6.Using a rental car in violation of laws and regulations or public order and morals.
- 7.Driving under the influence of alcohol Driving under the influence of alcohol.
- 8.To take out property insurance for the rental car without our approval.
- 9.Taking a rental car out of Japan.
- 10.Using a rented car for filming or events without our approval.
- 11.Acts that cause significant inconvenience to the Company, such as smoking in the vehicle, defacing the vehicle, etc.
- 12.Any other act that violates the terms and conditions of the lease as stipulated in Article 2 of the General Terms and Conditions.
- 13.Remove the car navigation system, audio system, and other equipment installed in the rental car and take them out of the car without the Company’s approval. Use of tools, parts, etc. in the car for purposes other than the rental car.
- 14.Allowing pets to ride in the car without our approval. Even if you have our approval, you are prohibited from taking your pet out of its cage in the car.
Article 15 (Daily Inspection)
The lessee shall inspect the rental car in use and perform the necessary maintenance as stipulated in Article 47-2 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Vehicle Law prior to each day’s use.
Article 16 (Periodic Inspection and Maintenance)
The Company shall rent a rental car that has undergone periodic inspections and maintenance as stipulated in Article 48 of the Road Vehicles Act.
Upon rental of the Rental Car, the Lessee shall inspect the exterior of the Rental Car and its accessories in accordance with the inspection list provided separately to confirm that the Rental Car is free from defects in maintenance, etc. and that the Rental Car meets the terms and conditions of the rental agreement.
Article 17 (Action in case of illegal parking)
- 1.If the renter illegally parks the rental car during use, the renter shall report to the police station having jurisdiction over the area where the rented car was illegally parked and immediately pay the penalty for illegal parking, and bear the costs of towing, storage, pickup, etc. associated with the illegal parking.
- 2.When the Company is notified by the police that the rental car has been illegally parked, the Company shall inform the lessee and instruct the lessee to promptly move or pick up the rental car and to report to the police station having jurisdiction over the area where the rental car was illegally parked at the end of the rental period or by the time instructed by the Company to deal with the violation. The renter shall comply with such instructions. In the event that the rental car is moved by the police, the Company may, at its own discretion, personally pick up the rental car from the police station.
- 3.After giving the instructions set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall, at its discretion, check the status of the violation processing by means of a traffic violation notice or payment slip, receipt, etc., and if the violation has not been processed, the Company shall give the lessee the instructions set forth in the preceding paragraph until the violation is processed. In addition, the Company shall require the Lessee to sign a document prescribed by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “Written Acknowledgment”) stating the fact that the Lessee has committed an abandoned parking violation and that the Lessee agrees to appear at a police station, etc., and to comply with legal measures as a violator.
- 4.If the rental period is exceeded due to illegal parking by the Lessee, the Lessee shall pay a separate rental fee for such excess portion.
- 5.If deemed necessary by the Company, the Company shall cooperate with the police in pursuing the lessee’s responsibility for any abandoned parking violation by submitting to the police a written self-identification, rental certificate, and other documents containing personal information, and may take other necessary measures such as submitting to the Public Safety Commission a written explanation and self-identification as provided in Article 51-4, Paragraph 6 of the Road Traffic Law, rental certificate and other documents, and reporting the facts.
- 6.In the event that the Company receives an order for payment of an abandoned vehicle fines pursuant to Article 51-4, Paragraph 4 of the Road Traffic Law and pays such fines, or in the event that the Company bears the costs, etc. required to search for the Lessee and to move, store, or pick up the rental car, the Lessee shall be liable for compensation to the Company for the amount of such fines and costs incurred by the Company, and shall pay such amounts to the Company by the date specified by the Company.In the event that the borrower has paid the Company the amount equivalent to the abandoned violation fee, and the order to pay the abandoned violation fee is rescinded due to the borrower paying a penalty or being sued for prosecution, etc., and the Company receives a refund of the abandoned violation fee, the Company shall refund to the borrower only the amount equivalent to the abandoned violation fee that has been refunded.
- 7.The Company may refuse to rent the Rental Car to the Lessee thereafter if the Company receives an order for payment of the Penalty for Abandonment under the preceding paragraph or if the Lessee fails to pay the amount demanded under the preceding paragraph by the date specified by the Company.
Chapter 7 Restitution
Article 18 (Responsibility for restitution)
Upon return of the Rental Car, the RENTER shall, in the presence of the Company, make sure that there are no articles left behind by the RENTER or his/her passengers in the Rental Car, and the Company shall not be liable for any articles left behind after the RENTER returns the Rental Car.
- 1.The Lessee shall return the rental car and equipment to the Company at the designated place of return (if the place of return is changed, it shall be the place of return after such change) by the expiration of the rental period.
- 2.If the RENTER violates any of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the RENTER shall compensate the Company for any and all damages caused to the Company. The Lessee shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Company in the event that the rental car and equipment cannot be returned within the rental period due to a natural disaster or other force majeure. In such a case, the Lessee shall immediately contact the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.
- 3.The Lessee shall pay to the Company an amount equivalent to the Rental Charges corresponding to the period from the expiration of the Rental Period until the return of the Rental Car and equipment, unless such violation is caused by a natural disaster or other force majeure event. In addition, if the Company suffers any damage as a result of the breach of the preceding paragraph, the Lessee shall compensate the Company for all such damage.
Article 19 (Confirmation of Rental Car, etc.)
- 1.When the RENTER returns the RENTAL CAR to the Company, the RENTER shall return the RENTAL CAR in the condition in which it was found at the time of delivery, except for any deterioration or wear due to normal use.
- 2.Upon return of the rental car, the lessee shall make sure that there are no articles left behind by the lessee or passengers in the rental car, and the Company shall not be responsible for the safekeeping of any articles left behind after the return of the rental car.
- 3.In returning the Rental Car, the Lessee shall promptly compensate the Company for any damage to the Rental Car, such as damage or scratches caused by negligence, except for worn or deteriorated parts, as determined by the Company.
- 4.In the event that damage to the rental car and equipment is confirmed in the presence of the Company, the period immediately following the return or up to the end of three business days following the return shall be defined as the damage confirmation period, and if damage is confirmed by the end of said confirmation period, the provisional lessee shall make the compensation set forth in the preceding paragraph without objection.
Article 20 (Return Location of Rental Car, etc.)
- 1.The rental car shall be returned to the return location indicated in accordance with Article 18, Paragraph 1. However, if the return location is changed in accordance with Article 18.1, the rental car shall be returned to the changed return location.
- 2.In the case of the proviso of the preceding paragraph, the lessee shall bear the cost of the return transportation made necessary by the change of the place of return.
- 3.If the renter returns the rental car to a place other than the designated place of return without obtaining the Company’s consent in accordance with Article 18, the renter shall pay the fee for changing the place of return as set forth in the Exhibit attached hereto.
Article 21 (Charges for Extension of Lease Period
- 1.In the event that the rental period is extended pursuant to Article 11.1 of the General Terms and Conditions, the Lessee shall pay to the Company the total of the following amounts (hereinafter referred to as “Extension Charges”) at the time the rental car is returned to the Company.
(1)The difference between the amount obtained by adding the excess charge prescribed by the Company to the rental fee corresponding to the rental period after the extension and the rental fee corresponding to the rental period before the extension, and the rental fee already paid.
(2)If the borrower enrolled in the indemnity plan at the time of signing the rental agreement, the difference between the indemnity fee corresponding to the period of the rental period at the time of extension and the indemnity fee already paid.
- 2.If the borrower wishes to extend the lease period or change the place of return due to unavoidable circumstances, the borrower must contact the departure office to obtain approval before the return deadline.
In the event that the borrower exceeds the period of the rental period and returns the vehicle without consent, the borrower shall pay, in addition to the extension fee set forth in the preceding paragraph, the penalty fee set forth in the attached Exhibit.
Article 22 (Settlement)
- 1.If, at the time of return of the rental car, there are any unsettled charges such as extension fees, change of return location penalty fees, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “unsettled charges”), the Lessee shall immediately pay such unsettled charges to the Company.
- 2.If the fuel tank is not full at the time of return of the rental car, the Lessee shall pay for the fuel in accordance with the charges set forth in the Exhibit attached hereto.
Article 23 (Measures to be taken if the rental car is not returned)
- 1.If the RENTER fails to return the RENTAL CAR and equipment to the designated place of return after the expiration of the RENTAL PERIOD and does not respond to the Company’s request for return of the RENTAL CAR or equipment, the Company shall take legal action, both civil and criminal, against the RENTER, and the RENTER agrees to such action.
- 2.In the event that the preceding paragraph applies, the Company shall take necessary measures to locate the rental car and equipment, including interviewing the lessee’s family, relatives, employer, and other relevant persons, and activating the vehicle location system.
- 3.In the event that Paragraph 1 applies, the Lessee shall be liable to compensate the Company for any damage caused to the Company and shall be responsible for the costs incurred in collecting the rental car and in searching for the Lessee.
- 4.If the RENTER has not returned the RENTAL CAR and cannot be contacted by the RENTER for more than three 3 days from the date of expiration of the RENTER TERM, the Company shall assume that the RENTAL CAR has been stolen by the RENTER. In such a case, a report of theft shall be submitted to the local police station.
Article 24 (Charges for Rentals at the Time of Change of the Term of Lease)
If the borrower changes the rental period pursuant to Article 3.1, the borrower shall pay the rental fee corresponding to the changed rental period.
Chapter 8 Measures in case of breakdown, accident, or theft
Article 25 (Measures to be taken upon discovery of a failure)
If the Lessee discovers any abnormality or malfunction of the Rental Car during use, the Lessee shall immediately stop driving the Rental Car, notify the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.
Article 26 (Measures to be taken in the event of an accident)
- 1.In the event of an accident involving the rental car while in use, the lessee shall immediately stop driving the rental car and, regardless of the size of the accident, shall take the measures required by law and the following measures.
(1)Immediately report the circumstances of the accident, etc. to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.
(2)When repairing the rental car in accordance with the instructions in the preceding item, the repair shall be performed by the Company or a factory designated by the Company, unless otherwise approved by the Company.
(3)To cooperate with investigations by the Company and the insurance company with which the Company has contracted regarding the accident, and to submit without delay any documents, etc. required by the Company and the insurance company.
(4)When settling or otherwise agreeing with the other party regarding the accident, you must obtain our prior approval.
- 2.In addition to taking the measures set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Lessee shall handle and resolve the accident at its own responsibility.
- 3.The Company shall advise the Lessee on the handling of the accident and cooperate in its resolution.
- 4.For the purpose of confirming the circumstances at the time of an accident, etc., the Company shall record the circumstances when an impact occurs or emergency braking is made, etc., with respect to a vehicle equipped with a drive recorder.
- 5.If deemed necessary, the Company shall take measures such as verifying the records described in the preceding paragraph.
Article 27 (Measures in the Event of Theft)
If the rental car is stolen or otherwise damaged during use, the lessee shall take the following measures.
- (1)Immediately notify the nearest police station.
- (2)Immediately report the damage, etc. to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions
- (3)To cooperate with the Company and the insurance company with which the Company has contracted to investigate theft or other damage, and to submit without delay any required documents, etc. requested by the Company and the insurance company.
Article 28 (Termination of Rental Agreement due to Loss of Use)
- 1.The rental agreement shall be terminated when the rental car becomes unusable due to breakdown, accident, theft or other reasons (hereinafter referred to as “breakdown, etc.”) during use.
- 2.In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Lessee shall be responsible for the cost of pickup and repair of the Rental Car and the Company shall not refund the Rental Charges already received. However, this shall not apply in the event that the breakdown, etc. is due to the reasons specified in Paragraph 3 or 5.
- 3.If the breakdown is due to a defect or failure that existed prior to the rental of the rental car or due to the rental car not conforming to the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, a new rental agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into and the lessee may be provided with a replacement rental car by the Company. Article 10 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conditions under which the replacement rental car will be provided.
- 4.If the Lessee does not receive a replacement rental car as specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall refund the rental fee received in full. The same shall apply when the Company is unable to provide a replacement rental car.
- 5.If the breakdown, etc. is caused by reasons not attributable to either the borrower, the driver, or the Company, the Company shall refund to the borrower the balance of the rental fee received, less the rental fee corresponding to the period from the time of delivery to the end of the rental agreement.
- 6.The Lessee shall not have any claim against the Company for any damage arising out of his/her inability to use the Rental Car other than as provided in this Article, except for the measures provided in this Article. The RENTER shall not be entitled to make any claim against the COMPANY for any loss or damage other than as provided in this Article, except in cases where the failure was caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the COMPANY.
Chapter 9 Compensation and Indemnification
Article 29 (Compensation and Business Compensation)
- 1.The RENTER shall compensate the Company for any damage caused by the RENTER to a third party or the Company during the RENTER’s use of the RENTAL CAR. The RENTER shall indemnify the Company for any damage caused by the RENTER to a third party or the Company while using the RENTER, except in cases where such damage is caused by reasons not attributable to the RENTER.
- 2.With respect to any of the Company’s damages set forth in the preceding paragraph, the lessee shall pay compensation to the Company for the number of days determined by the Company as compensation for absence from work for any damage caused by the Company’s inability to use the rental car or equipment due to accident, theft, or breakdown, stain, odor, etc. of the rental car or equipment caused by any cause attributable to the lessee.
- 3.In the event that the Lessee violates the provisions of Article 14 (7) (Prohibition of Driving While Intoxicated) of the General Terms and Conditions and causes an accident, the Lessee shall not be exempted from liability for any reason whatsoever, and shall pay to the Company the penalty fee specified in the Exhibit attached hereto. If the Company incurs any damage as a result of such violation, the Lessee shall be separately liable to compensate the Company for such damage.
Chapter 10 Compensation and Indemnification
Article 30 (Insurance)
- 1.In the event of an accident involving the rental car while in use, the insurance payment will be made within the limits described in the following special note (hereinafter referred to as “compensation limit”) under the non-life insurance policy that we have concluded for the rental car. In the event that the renter or user has their own insurance policy that covers the accident, the insurance policy shall take precedence over our insurance policy for the rented car.
【compensation limit】
(1)bodily injury compensation:Unlimited per person (including liability insurance)
(2)property damage compensation:Unlimited per accident (deductible: 100,000 yen)
(3)passenger coverage:Up to 30 million yen per person
- 2.If any of the exclusions from liability under the policy terms and conditions applies, the insurance proceeds provided for in Paragraph 1 of this Article will not be paid.
- 3.Damage not covered by insurance and damage in excess of the limit of indemnity shall be borne entirely by the lessee.
- 4.Upon payment by the Company of the amount of damages owed by the Lessee, the Lessee shall immediately reimburse the Company for the amount paid by the Company.
- 5.The amount of the deductible under Paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article shall be borne by the Lessee. However, if the borrower has enrolled in the indemnity compensation system and paid the indemnity compensation fee at the time of the rental agreement, and if the accident is not reported to the police or the Company, if the insurance payment is not made, if the accident occurs after the rental period in accordance with Article 26 of the General Terms and Conditions, or if the borrower extends the rental period without permission and the accident occurs after such extension, the Company shall bear the amount of such indemnity. In the event that the rental period is extended without permission and the accident does not fall under any of the following items, the Company shall bear the amount of such deductible.
- 6.Negligence due to reckless driving, such as driving off public roads (e.g., on circuit tracks), on rough roads, or in automobile races, may not be covered by the insurance coverage and may be the full responsibility of the lessee.
Chapter 8 Cancellation
Article 31 (Cancellation of Rental Agreement)
- 1.The Company may cancel the rental agreement and demand the return of the rental car immediately without any notice or demand if the renter violates any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or the Exhibit attached hereto during use.
- 2.In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not refund to the lessee any rental fee, exemption compensation fee, etc. already received by the Company. In addition, the Lessee shall immediately pay to the Company any unsettled balance or fuel charges, if any.
Chapter 11 Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 32 (Setoff)
Whenever the Company owes any monetary obligation to the Lessee under the General Terms and Conditions and the Exhibit attached hereto, the Company may set off such obligation against any monetary obligation owed by the Lessee to the Company.
Article 33 (Consumption Tax)
The Lessee shall separately pay to the Company the consumption tax (including local consumption tax) imposed on monetary obligations under the Terms and Conditions.
Article 34 (Delayed Payment of Damages)
1.If the Lessee fails to perform any monetary obligation under the General Terms and Conditions and the Exhibit attached hereto, the Lessee shall pay to the other party a late payment charge at the rate of 14.6% per annum.
Article 35 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information)
- 1.The purposes for which we obtain and use the personal information of borrowers are as follows.
(1)To carry out items required as a condition of the business license, such as preparing a rental certificate at the time of concluding a rental agreement, as a business operator licensed to engage in the car rental business under Article 80, Paragraph 1 of the Road Transport Law.
(2)To introduce car rentals and other products handled by the Company, to provide information on services related to such products and services, and to inform lessees of various events and campaigns.
(3)To verify the identity of the applicant and to examine whether or not a rental agreement can be concluded.
(4)To conduct questionnaire surveys of borrowers for the purpose of planning and developing products and services handled by the Company or considering measures to improve customer satisfaction.
(5)To compile and analyze personal information statistically and create statistical data processed in a form that does not identify or specify individuals.
- 2.In the event that the personal information of a borrower is acquired for a purpose not specified in each item of Paragraph 1, the purpose of use shall be clearly indicated in advance.
Article 36 (Court of Jurisdiction)
In the event of any dispute concerning the rights and obligations under the General Terms and Conditions and the Exhibit attached hereto, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company’s head office (and the location of the business office and the place of borrowing) shall be the court of competent jurisdiction.
Article 37 (General Terms and Conditions and Appendix)
- 1.MCC may establish a separate Annex to the General Terms and Conditions, which shall have the same force and effect as the General Terms and Conditions.
- 2.MCC reserves the right to revise the General Terms and Conditions and the Exhibits without prior notice.
supplementary provisions : The General Terms and Conditions shall come into effect on February 14, 2023.
【separate sheet】
〈Reservation administration fee(Rescheduling after the second appointment)〉
3,000 yen per session
〈Reservation Cancellation Fee(cancellation charge)〉
Up to 7 days prior to boarding date No cancellation fee
6 to 3 days prior to boarding date 20% of basic fare
2 days prior to the boarding date – the day before the boarding date 30% of the basic fare
On the day of boarding and after the day of boarding 50% of the basic fare
※Cancellations made after 7:00 p.m. will be treated as cancellations for the following day.
※Cancellation fee maximum 6,600 yen (tax included)
The store will contact you regarding payment of the reservation cancellation fee.
〈Mid-term cancellation fee〉
(Rental fee corresponding to the period of the rental agreement – Rental fee corresponding to the period between rental and cancellation) x 50%.
〈penalty for contract breach〉
If the loan period is exceeded and the loan is returned without approval 100,000 yen.
In the event of an accident caused in violation of Article 14 (7) (Prohibition of driving under the influence of alcohol) of the policy conditions 300,000 yen.
〈fuel expenses〉
If fuel tank is not full Distance x gasoline + 2,000 yen.
〈Change of Return Location Fee〉
Penalty for changing the place of return = Cost for the return transportation required due to the change of the place of return x 200%.